Nigerian foods. Counting your calories 2
Happy democracy Day! Today a new dawn begins in Nigeria. The change we all anticipate, the change we voted for…
how to get rid of the baby fat!
Childbirth is one of the major culprits why a lot of women stay overweight post baby. Why? Well nature definitely…
Healthy Snacks 1
Hello Lovelies, Hope life has been treating you fairly despite the economic challenges? Today I am going to suggest…
BURPEES I have a love hate relationship with burpees. In the past, I made sure burpees was not included in…
Why am I not losing weight? 1
It’s now pretty common place in Nigeria to see women and some men running/jogging/walking/crawling the streets in the mornings. Especially…
Wonder Woman hustle : kryptonite edition (guest post)
I’m on quest to look like a muscular version of Wonder woman (basically like Serena Williams, just less booty. MUCH…
9ja weightloss hussle!
Happy Sunday , people. I hope your weekend has been going beautifully despite the scarcity of fuel here in Lagos.…
Nigerian foods: Counting your calories 1
People always complain about typical Nigerian foods being very starchy. This is true. But these foods are very rich in…
Excuses 1
“oh, i just had a child, i cant exercise yet till she starts primary school”. “I had C.S, with my…
Sights and Sighs of Lasgidi 1
If you want to truly experience Lagos, (not ajebutter Lagos oo), The real Lagos, then you have to visit a…