One thing that truly does keep me sane in this insane environment is exercising. On another post i will enumerate the numerous benefits of working out. An typical average Nigerian, can not afford a gym membership. But then does that mean the cant attain healthy levels of fitness? You can start from your bedroom. Really.
For whatever reason on this day, I was feeling really spiderman’ish. Well, it was all part of the workout eventually. I then re fueled with my pawpaw, banana, pineapple, ugu (pumpkin leaves)smoothie. Cold smoothness! 🙂
Don’t wait to have a gym membership to start working out. Don’t wait wait to get those Nike sneakers, or reebok sportswear or polar HRM. Dont wait to have dumbbells to start lifting. (make use of sand in water bottles then upgrade to cement blocks on an iron rod). Just start! Barefeet. Naked. Bra et pant only. Start from somewhere. When you hammer big time. you upgrade. Get Active. Be Accountable. Dont sabotage your exercising with unhealthy meals. Eat right. Hydrate regularly. Your body will thank you tomorrow for the decisions you made today.