Healthy Living: is it all worth it?

internet image Its 5.30am now. And i am fighting with myself if to workout or not. But i hope i…

September 60km Run challenge

Oh my! seems like just yesterday we were saying ‘happy new year’ to each other. And September is already here.…

Overcoming weight loss plateau

So you have been on your weight loss journey. and you have been maintaining optimum exercising and clean eating. The…

Friday Health Rant!

Excuse me!  Yes!  Excuse me.!  I don’t understand your reasons.  Yes you!!  I have refused to understand your reasons for…

Selfishly Healthy

It’s very impressive  to watch, how a lot of people are starting to get in one form of workout or…

LEPTIN- The weight-controller

So you have tried yoyo dieting and you keep getting back obese. Or you have tried shedding all the weight,…


Hey Hey dears, happy new month. Isn’t it amazing how fast the days run. Seems like yesterday, we were all…

Wonder Woman Hustle: Birthday Edition (guest post)

June 13 was my birthday which means I’m another year closer to 30. Yay? Anyway, as I enjoyed my cake…

How to get rid of baby fat 2

Welcome to part 2 of how to get rid of post baby fat. Loosing weight seems an uphill task after…


Happy Tuesday  people!! How has the new month been?  Well we are just 2days in,  but every new month,  everyday…

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