Warrior Series: Ela’s Story
As 2015 was drawing to a close I knew I had to make a change about my lifestyle as per weight loss. I had previously tried to lose weight using different types of diets without much success.

As God would have it, I came across @ariellafitness on instagram and decided to join the group. After registering, we started work.. Exercising and clean eating. One thing I loved about the group was that we were not told what to eat on particular days but rather we were give meal ideas.. All HEALTHY options.
After the 2nd week of exercises and clean eating I started seeing changes in my body… My energy level was up, my clothes fit more and my stomach was gradually going doing… Inches were dropping off! At the end of the 1st month I had lost 5kg! Amazing! I couldn’t believe it! I was so happy I actually cried!
Fast forward to my 2nd month, the kgs continued to drop. Same with the 3rd and 4th month. At the end of the 4th month I had lost 14kg! From 94kg to 80kg! My target weight! I couldn’t believe it!
Amongst the many things I learnt, I learnt that no fad diet or shortcut can make you lose weight… You have to work for it by Exercising and clean eating.
Thanks to our able coach and all the ladies on the group for the encouragement, support, always there to guide and advise. Couldn’t have done it without them. It was a very emotional journey for me because there were times I wanted to give up,times when I was bone tired but with encouragement from the coach and the results I was seeing on my body, I persevered. What I learnt on the group will be with me for life… It’s part of me now.
Interested in our program plans, click here for more information. Start loosing weight today.