After the news of Chadwick’s death sipped into the news, I found myself asking, ‘What is my ikigai?’
You must have seen that Chadwick was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer 4 years ago. Now, the chances of survival from colon cancer is very slim and it progressed to stage 4 (a more chronic phase), so he certainly knew that his time was near. I can only imagine all that went through his mind as he kept such powerful secret. However, that didn’t stop him from making blockbuster movies that kept us entertained in our homes, while he was sitting through chemotherapies and surgeries with no control over time. None at all.
One thing was certain: Chadwick knew his ikigai!

Ikigai, is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being”. Your ikigai is in essence the meeting point of your passion (what do you love), your mission (what does the world need), your profession (what are you paid to do) and your vocation (what are you good at).
As you go into this week, find your ikigai only then can you live life to your fullest. You have so much inside of you. Never be afraid to show it.
“God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.”
– Reinhold Niebuhr”
1 comment on "WHAT IS YOUR IKIGAI?"
-Amen. Thank you for this.