Kai! This healthy journey is not an easy something. So, I went for an event this past Sunday. The name of the event had the word “cocktails” in it. Immediately, I knew there will be small chops.

I had mixed feelings. I prayed for self control. I prayed against the spirit of gluttony. Then at the end of my prayers, I chipped in that the vendor at the event should please make ‘beta small chops’, Dear God. (Ok….i know what you are thinking but don’t judge me, It was hard)
Sunday evening, I was among beautiful women, gisting and laughing so loudly like we had known each other since primary school (we actually all just met).Then, the waiters began pass by. I perceived it. My palms and armpit got wet simultaneously. My heart started beating so fast with my tummy rumbling. Then the dropped the ‘baby’ right in front of me. A plate of small chops.
It seemed like time passed and I didn’t notice. However, the next time I became conscious, I saw myself eating my neighbor’s small chops from her plate right infront of her. I still cannot tell how this happened or how my plate got empty in no time.
Then, “like person wey just baptize newly”, my eyes widened. The thought of how hard I had worked to get my body to where it is came flooding in. All the burpees, the early morning run, the jumping jacks. Kai! Mba!!! Then I knew….I had to stop. And I did. As soon as my neighbor’s plate was empty.
Now I owe 500 jumping Jacks, 150 burpees, A 5km run and 20 min. whew! Was it worth it? Well, be the judge!
-Doc always inspiring. Very interesting read. The struggle is real especially when the kids start asking for puff puff and chin chin. I owe many hours in the gym for all the “unhealthy” food I have eaten, God help us all.
Dr Chinasa
-Yes o! God help us!
-Hmm…”get thee behind me, Satan” may not be so easy to say after all!
Dr Chinasa
-It is really not easy. Thanks so much for stopping by sir.
Ugwuegbulem I C D
-You are really determined to succeed. And that’s why you were able to call yourself to order. I marvel you,
Dr Chinasa
-Yes daddy. You thought me well. Thank you for stopping by.
-Lol love ur blog posts soo relatable and funny
Dr Chinasa
-thank you so much for reading 🙂
Jebutu Rachael Taiwo
-Doc. It takes the grace of God and continuous self discipline to succeed in the race of healthy journey.