Hi Fam!
Happy Post Valentine to you! Have you been staying healthy? What have you been up to?
Let me gist you how my valentine went. So, because it was valentine, I decided to order myself a small cake. This cake is one of the most delicious cakes in Lagos. As in trust me on this. I usually look forward to an occasion to have to order the cake for the event. Kai! It is delicious walahi!
Ehen, as I was saying, I ordered myself this cake, and when it arrived, I delved into it and cut a large slice for myself. I hadn’t finished eating it when I started having a very severe heart burn. OMG! That heart burn lasted the rest of the day and through the night. I had to get up at night to take an antacid.
However, I have noticed that whenever I have food made from white flour, I get this very discomforting feeling. Like a reflux.
That is what happens when you are on the healthy lifestyle journey. You see eh, your body starts rejecting certain foods. And if you force it to go down, you will be left with discomfort. (Note to self: listen to your body).
Will I still have my delicious cake again? Well…YES. At my birthday in April. 😊 I will just have a lesser size.
I always recommend applying the 80/20 rule to healthy eating. Eat clean 80% of the time then the remaining 20%, you are allowed a little bit of flexibility.
When you start the healthy lifestyle journey, it is hard. Then it starts getting easier. Soon it becomes a habit… The hard work is in staying consistent. Consistency is what yields results.
Do not embark on a diet you can not sustain long term. Think Sustainability.
Shoot me a mail if you have a challenge with staying healthy: [email protected]