This is one Nigerian soup that is weight loss friendly and the truth is, you will actually not miss the oil. Did i tell you i made the soup with less than N1000?
1 part of pre cooked Chicken/fish/beef (i used fish) + stock
1 teaspoon of peppersoup spices (usually sold in a blend)
1 small onions (chopped)
4 tomatoes (cut or blend)
1 teaspoon of ground crayfish
1 cube of knorr
Cameroon pepper (as desired)
Salt to taste
2 cups of chopped okro
Turn on stove. In a pot, put in the stock from the precooked chicken/fish/meat (just enough to make your soup). Add in pepper soup spices, onions, tomatoes, crayfish, knorr cube. salt to taste, then cameroon pepper. Bring to boil.
While Boiling put in your chopped okro. (Do not cover pot). stir your soup and allow okro to soften for about 2 minutes on medium heat (do not overcook).
Add in your chicken/fish/ meat. Stir. Then turn off stove.
Serve alone or with side like “Portion control” Eba,Oat or Acha swallow.
Try it out and tell me how you enjoyed it.
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15 comments on "Healthy Oil-less Okro soup"
-I’ve been struggling with this concept of oiless okro, as in, how can there not be oil in okro of all Nigerian soups. However, wt ds recipe, I think i’m willing to gve it a trial. What if I were to blend/marsh the tomatoes?
Dr Chinasa
-Give it a try. You honestly will not notice much difference. 🙂 You can blend the tomatoes i think. I like to see the flesh of tomato in my food 🙂
-Are the tomatoes compulsory?
Dr Chinasa
-As with every recipe, you modify as you like. Add and subtract what you wish. 🙂
-Ma what can I do I hate swallow
Dr Chinasa
-You do not have to swallow with the soup. You can take the soup alone.
-I have always loved this easy to prepare meal..just prepared my oil less okro soup. Game on!
Glorious Eimunjeze
-hahha, i like that portion control eba part. welldone Dr.!
Chinenye Ezeh
-The soup is so delicious ! I love it
Dr Chinasa
-yayyyy…i am glad you tried it
Okoh Bridget
-Taste awesome, thank u ma for sharing.
Nduka Abiodun
-I will definitely try the recipe out before the weeks run out. Thanx Doc, more recipe pls
Dr Chinasa
-Please do. 🙂
-Thank you again
Dr Chinasa
-Thanks a lot